The idea of cleaning your carpets and rugs in the summer is one that homeowners have been taking advantage of for a long time. If you’re tired of impractical cleaning solutions, consider the following steps to remove stains and odors from your carpet as efficiently as possible this summer:
· Leave all the most difficult carpet cleaning tasks for the warmest days of summer. That way, your carpet will dry much faster and you don’t have to worry about mold buildup or water damage.
· Pre-clean by dusting your furniture, removing dust from behind your furniture and vacuuming your carpets and rugs thoroughly.
· Use a mixture of baking soda, water and vinegar to remove recent stains. The mixture can be sprayed onto the stain and allowed to seep into it, after which it will dry. Next, by simply using your vacuum you can remove the stain without much difficulty.
To remove bad odors from your carpet, simply
sprinkle some baking powder onto the affected area and let it stay overnight.
In the morning you can just vacuum it away, and the bad odor should be gone
entirely. For Shark vacuum repair or any other type of vacuum you may have make sure to have maintenance done annually for an optimal clean.
· Use steam cleaning technology to remove old, tough stains. As the temperature is higher, you can expect older stains to be easier to manage from the beginning, so the summer is pretty much great for deep steam cleaning practices.