Friday, July 24, 2020

A Dilemma: Should I Repair or Replace My Vacuum?

repair or replace vacuum repair shop
As a general rule, it is a good idea to replace your vacuum cleaner if the repair of the old one costs over half the price that you have bought it for – under that value, the repair is considered to be worthwhile. For shark vacuum repair in Broomfield the repair is worth the price.  However, there are several exceptions to that general rule that you should know about – here are some:

-          The availability of spare parts – appliance manufacturers are supposed to provide spare parts even for their discontinued models for a certain period after the specific model is no longer produced. Belts and bags might be available for decades, but filters and brush rolls might be a problem, so if your appliance is really old, getting replacement parts might be difficult or impossible;

-          The looks – time might take its toll on the exterior of your vacuum, but that does not mean that you should toss it if it has a minor problem. If the machine still works great, there is no reason to replace it just because it no longer looks good;

-          Usability – if you have been using your vacuum for years, maybe even decades, but the machine has recently become too hard to carry up the stairs or too bulky to navigate in a room that has recently received some new furnishing items and has become more crowded, you should consider switching to a smaller model.

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