Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Short Guide to the Best Vacuum Filters

quick guide vacuum maintenance filters repair

Your vacuum cleaner is only as good as the essential components in it, including filter. The filter in your appliance stops the larger particles that your machine sucks in and acts as an aid to the dust bag or container, so no matter how strong the motor in it is or how many complex extra features it has, without good filters, your unit will not be able to perform at the top of its capacities. Here are some of the most common types of filters that you can use:

-          Washable, reusable filters – these filters are made from strong and durable material and they provide an environment-friendly, low-maintenance filtration solution. If you choose this type, all you will have to do to keep the filter in good working condition is to wash the filter and to air-dry it before you place into the appliance again;

-          HEPA filters – these are the most modern filtration solutions, able to remove particles that from the size of 0.3 microns. HEPA filters are recommended especially for people suffering from allergies and respiratory issues, but you need an appliance with HEPA filtration to be able to use such filters;

-          Pre-filters – these filters are located before the motor and they are very efficient in removing even the tiniest particles of dust and dirt.

      For great vacuum filter products and prices look to

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