Monday, June 15, 2020

Routine Maintenance Checklist for Your Vacuum

Routine Shark Vacuum Maintenance Dust Container

To maintain your vacuum cleaner, you must first check the dust container and empty it if necessary. If stated in the manufacturer`s instructions, you can also wash the dust container under a stream of warm water. Allow it to dry completely, at room temperature, for at least 24 hours and then put it back in the vacuum cleaner. You can use the same method to clean the filter, or buy a new one at a shark vacuum repair shop in Arvada.

If you suspect that your vacuum cleaner has an internal blockage because it no longer pulls the dust or makes loud noises, perform a piece-by-piece checkup to identify objects or larger debris stuck inside and remove them carefully to restore the functionality of your appliance.

It is important to periodically check your vacuum`s brushes as well. As you use them, it is possible for different types of dirt to get around them, preventing optimal functioning. Hair and lint that come out of the carpet or fall out of clothes are mainly responsible for such problems.

Last but not least, another element that requires attention is the hose, as it also comes into direct contact with dust and dirt, and, in some cases, it can get clogged. The flexible design of the hose actually favors the accumulation of different types of debris that may affect the functionality of the vacuum cleaner.