Thursday, May 28, 2020

How To Test Your Vacuum's Suction Power

Vacuum suction vacuum repair shop

Your vacuum cleaner’s suction power is one of the most important, if not the single most important feature of the machine – generally speaking, the higher the suction power of the appliance, the more efficient it is. However, there are lots of factors that can have an impact on that suction power – even if you buy a machine rated to superior strength, its power to suck up debris might be influenced by the age of the appliance, by the cleanliness of the filters and of the hose and by how full the dust bag or dirt container is. Here is how to check the amount of suction power delivered by your unit:

-          Run your machine in areas covered in dust and compare the results with previous performance – if a machine that normally sucks up all the dust and debris encountered at once leaves behind dirt, surely means that your vacuum has lost some of its power because of a clog or a fault;

-          Place your palm in front of the sucking head – if you don’t feel any sucking or the suction is weak, it is time to check the vacuum for faults, search for a vacuum repair near me shop for convenience to get your machine in for repair.

Very often, the cause for diminished suction power is easy to find and quick to remedy. Remove the dust container and the filters, clean them, then clean the interior of the entire appliance, assemble everything again and repeat the test – you will probably have an appliance that is in perfect shape now.