Monday, July 22, 2019

How Long Should Vacuums Last?

How Long Should A Vacuum Last
The average lifespan of a properly maintained, standard vacuum used among standard circumstances is around eight years. However, how long your vacuum will actually serve you depends on many factors – here are some:

-          The brand – each vacuum brand is different in terms of the features offered as well as in terms of longevity. Some brands are known for offering units that last much longer than the lifespan specified in the manual, while others are not that long-lived;

-          Care and maintenance – your vacuum can function properly for as long as you want it to only if you clean and maintain it regularly, or take it to Arvada Vacuum for maintenance and repair. Vacuum cleaners are fitted with special filters that need to be cleaned or replaced regularly (depending on the filter type) and the container in which the unit collects dirt needs to be emptied and cleaned as well – if you neglect these operations, your vacuum cleaner will get clogged and blocked and break down prematurely;

-          Vacuuming conditions – a vacuum cleaner that is used among harsh circumstances, such as on floors and upholstery covered in dirt and lint all the time, will obviously give in sooner than one that is used to suck up a moderate amount of dust once a week. The contact with liquids can also cause your vacuum to break down.