Friday, April 12, 2019

The History of the Vacuum Cleaner

This History of The Vacuum Cleaner
The vacuum cleaner – the household appliance that uses partial vacuum to suck up dirt, dust, lint and other impurities from floors and other surfaces, such as upholstery – is part of our daily lives, but the machine as we know it has been around only for around 100 years. 

The appliance was born out of the wish to make floor and upholstery cleaning faster and more efficient. While brooms and scrubbing tools were the standard cleaning tools until the Industrial Revolutions, the 19th century saw numerous inventions in the field of cleaning. First, the carpet sweeper (a handheld device that used rollers and brushes to lift dirt) was invented, then, as engines and motors powered by various sources of fuel were invented, the first gasoline-powered cleaner was invented. That first machine was so large that it was drawn by horses and it worked by blowing air, not by suction. The first vacuum that worked by the same principle as the units we know today was launched in 1901 in England, but it still had to be applied on a horse-drawn carriage. The first portable, electric vacuum was invented at the beginning of the 20th century, with many engineers and inventors experimenting with variations of the technology. The construction that became the first mass-produced unit was created by James Murray Spangler from Ohio, who sold his invention to William Henry Hoover in 1908.

The Broomfield Vacuum Center offers repairs on many older style vacuums at affordable prices, find out more today -