Thursday, March 14, 2019

Should You Sweep Before Vacuum?

Things To Know About Vaccuming

Yes, that would be smart. Sweeping generates a lot of dust that spreads into the air and lands back on the furniture, floor and carpets, so if you already vacuumed before, you must start over soon enough.
In the past, when vacuums were not so efficient, people used to vacuum the room first and ony then wipe off the dust. Like we said, old vacuums were not equipped with the technology and filters we have today, which made them push a part of the dust back into the room. In these circumstances, vacuuming followed by dusting was the logical order.
Today, we do not have to worry about the efficiency of modern vacuum cleaners. These appliances are designed to retain the dust inside them, so you can use them after you have swept or dusted, to remove all the remaining particles.
With a modern vacuum cleaner, you do not even have to sweep anymore, unless you have some large debris to remove, because the Sebo vacuum Broomfield shops offer is an excellent substitute of a broom - and much more than this! Use the broom only if you must remove pieces of glass, construction materials waste, metallic objects, food or ash from the fireplace.