Thursday, February 14, 2019

Most Popular Vacuum Brands

Popular Vacuums
Home cleaning is one of our permanent concerns; considering this, manufacturers make available more and more practical types and models of vacuum cleaners. If you are looking for a new “partner“ in home cleaning, but you do not know how to find the best one (the most appropriate for your needs), we invite you to take a look at the features of the two most popular vacuum cleaner brands on the market.
The economical engines of recent models guarantee a powerful airflow with minimal energy consumption that sucks up dirt into a high-capacity bag, specially designed to be just as efficient when it is empty or almost full. In addition, Phillips uses the most efficient HEPA filters.
If you are interested in energy efficiency and long service life without changing or emptying the dust bag too often, then Phillips certainly has some interesting models of vacuum cleaners to offer you, at good prices in terms of efficiency and quality of service.
If you prefer a different vacuum cleaner profile, you can turn to Bosch. Modern models are energy-efficient (Class A), being also powerful and comfortable. After all, German quality means comfort and durability. Bosch is always ready to offer you classic and modern high-quality options.

Find a variety of brands to test at a vacuum store near you,