Holiday is a time when we entertain
guests, when we use all the areas of the home more, so it is obviously a time
when our carpets are threaded on more and by more. However, keeping your carpets
clean this holiday season is not impossible – here are a few tips to help you
maintain cleanliness:
The importance of
welcome mats – using welcome mats in front of the door is a great way to allow
your guests to clean their shoes before they enter your home;
Get the carpets
professionally cleaned before the holidays – professional cleaners can apply a
stain protection treatment on your carpets, making the fibers in your rug more
resistant to staining, or visit to see if they have a refurbished carpet cleaner to do the job yourself.;
Offer your guests
slippers – not staining the carpet is the best way for maintaining its
cleanliness. Offer your guests clean, new slippers to change into from their
shoes – it will make them more comfortable and will help you keep your carpets
clean, too;
Serve non-staining
foods – when you prepare your menu for the holidays, try to include foods and
beverages that are non-staining or that cause only mild, easy to remove stains.
White wine, for example, is easier to remove from the carpet than red wine,
while the stains caused by greasy food are much more difficult to remove than
the stain caused by a leaf of lettuce.